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Esta tarde DICE va anunciar algo tocho, seguramente el nuevo DLC

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Esta tarde DICE va anunciar algo tocho, seguramente el nuevo DLC Empty Esta tarde DICE va anunciar algo tocho, seguramente el nuevo DLC

Mensaje por SkaZziTu Miér 07 Mar 2012, 09:05

Finally it looks as though we'll be recieving our first glimpse of new Battlefield 3 content from GDC 2012. DICE's very own General Manager, KM Troedsson has confirmed via twitter that an announcement will be coming today / tomorrow (March 7th). This evening at the same time as the Game Changers presentation, EA / DICE held an exclusive press event showing the mysterious new content. Our guess is it's the new DLC "Close Quarters".

Looks like it's going to be an exciting day. Keep coming back to Battlefieldo for updates as it happens at GDC 2012. Follow us on twitter @BATTLEFIELDO


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